Author: Dave Brown


As temperatures start to routinely get above freezing and the snow starts to melt, it can only mean one thing…spring is around the corner and it is time to PLAY RUGBY! The indoor fitness and conditioning sessions have been going well. It has been great to see both the men and women fixtures represented and new faces out all the time. Our draft schedule has been released and the first game for the men is tentatively on May 6th. Stay posted as we will share the schedule once it is finalized. We are also planning to get outdoors as soon as the fields are in shape. Keep track of our Facebook page for events notices. Once we get outside be sure to dress accordingly and bring your cleats and mouth guards....

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Our Sponsors

  • Club Excellance Affiliate
  • Kia Cold Lake are sponsors of Penguins Cold Lake Rugby
  • Motion in Sync are sponsors of Penguins Cold Lake Rugby
  • Moshi Media Web Design are sponsors of Penguins Cold Lake Rugby
  • You can sponsor of Rugby in Cold Lake

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