News & Events

Awarded CLUB of the YEAR by Rugby Alberta

With donations made from players and fans during our Super Saturday events in 2017, the Cold Lake Penguins RFC collected and donated the equivalent of nearly $300 to the local food bank organization. We are very proud to give back to our community.
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The Cold Lake Penguins RFC are proud of two alumni members from the high school Rebels program who are continuing their rugby as they pursue post secondary school. We made an investment in our future by donating monies to Jaimie Braybrook and Ayden Letendre. We are...
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1st Home game of the season – SUPER SATURDAY SPECIAL EVENT
The Cold Lake Penguins Rugby Football Club is about to have their first home game of the season and they are making the event BIG and SPECIAL and are inviting the public to come out Saturday July 15th at the Imperial Park Field behind the Energy Centre. Event includes...
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Big Brothers and Big Sisters team up with Cold Lake Rugby
Saturday April 22, the Cold Lake Penguins Rugby Football Club hosted an event to support the local Big Brothers and Big Sisters organization. Boys and Girls aged 8 – 12 got to participate in an introduction to rugby session at the Cold Lake High School. The event...
read moreFixtures for women recently added to calendar
ERU has released the dates for the 2017 schedule. All game days have been updated in the calendar. Note kick off times will be updated once confirmed.
read moreVolunteers needed for Test Match between Canada and Romania
If you are interested in supporting international rugby on June 17th, please sign up to volunteer. Here's how it works in 3 easy steps: 1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on 2. Enter your email address: (You will...
read moreMen’s fixtures just released
Check the team calendar for dates and location for the 2017 men's season. (Women's should follow shortly)
read moreBig Brothers and Big Sisters Event
On April 22nd at the Cold Lake High School from 11 am to 1:30pm the Penguins and Rebels will get the chance to volunteer and be a role model and potential mentor for children from the Cold Lake BBBS organization. We will be looking for volunteers to help with the...
As temperatures start to routinely get above freezing and the snow starts to melt, it can only mean one thing...spring is around the corner and it is time to PLAY RUGBY! The indoor fitness and conditioning sessions have been going well. It has been great to see both...
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