Security & Bartending Services

Our Rugby Club does routinely provides security and bartending services for local events to raise money for the club. We often work for the City of Cold Lake, including the recent Toby Keith concert, and with external organizations like 542 Entertainment who present Mudfest in Bonnyville each year.


We provide security for small and large events.

  • Our members volunteer on behalf of the club, payment is to the club.
  • Our members have Protec and Proserve certification
  • Our standard rate is minimum $100 / person, or $20/hr/person for shifts longer than 5 hours.
  • For large events rates can be negotiated
  • We also partner with other not for profit groups to supply extra personnel when required


Typically we just need reasonable advance notice (minimum 2 weeks) and the following information:

  • a date, and time (start to finish)
  • number of workers required
  • event details including; how early to arrive, who the event onsite contact is, dress code considerations, location of bathrooms, exits, smoking areas, other special considerations (e.g. backstage passes, outside food and drinks, cameras) and etc.